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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    Video Tutorial : How to tie your shoes super fast!

    Watch how to tie shoe lace the fastest way

    fastest way to tie shoe lace video tutorial
    image source: Youtube
    Experiencing a very hard time tying your shoe lace? Your problem is solved because this video will help you how to tie your shoe lace the fastest and the easiest way. 

    Nowadays, every second counts due to the fast growing society. That’s why in order to cope up, everyone must use each second wisely but sometimes there are simple things that waste our time and believe it or not, one of these is tying our shoe lace. Based on personal experience, an average person takes more than 10 seconds to tie his or her shoe lace which is already quite long and time consuming if you’re really in a hurry. 

    How to tie shoe lace the fastest and the easiest way? In the video uploaded by Will Jackson, the fastest way to tie a shoe lace only takes 3 to 5 seconds which is just half the time of the usual tying that we used to do. Ironically, there are 5 steps that must be done to tie shoe lace in a blink of an eye. Here are the 5 steps:

    1.    Make an overhand knot
    2.    Grab middle part of the shoe lace with your pinkies
    3.    Claw your pointer and thumb and move them under the shoe lace
    4.    Cross both of the shoe laces together
    5.    Pull everything through

    If these steps confused you, you can just watch the video and find out how these are done properly and be amazed that it only takes 3 to 5 seconds to finish these steps. 

    Certainly, Will Jackson’s tutorial on how to tie your shoes super fast! is a great help. As of this moment, the video gained almost 4 million hits, 14.5 K likes and 1.1K dislikes. 
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