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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    New Study Says Fat Guys Are Better At Sex Than Bodybuilders

    Just when we started to bounce back from this study, there’s yet another room full of scientists trying to make bodybuilders look bad.
    Why penis no last long like fat man?
    Why my penis no last long like fat man?
    There’s a study that came out of Turkey which suggests that fat guys make better lovers than guys who are in shape. There are some problems with this study which we’ll dissect in a moment, but first let’s cover the basics.
    Quick facts about the study…
    • Sample size: 200 men. 
    • Additional info: Half of the men were being treated for existing sexual dysfunctions.
    • The findings: Fat guys last longer in bed. 
    • Fat guys last: 7.3 minutes.
    • Fit guys last: 108 seconds. 
    • Why?: The obese men have higher levels of female hormones.
    For over the course of a year, scientists tracked the BMI’s of 100 different men who had been referred to specialists for premature ejaculation and compared the data with a set of 100 men who don’t have any sexual difficulties. They concluded that higher BMI = better in bed, but much like the whole idea of BMI itself, this study is fundamentally flawed.
    The reason that larger guys are able to last longer is because they have higher levels of estradiol which is a female sex hormone. When a man has an abundance of estradiol, it delays his body’s ability to achieve an orgasm.
    Now some things to keep in mind…
    This study doesn’t account for the fact that the guys who are in great shape are probablyy sleeping with much nicer looking women, and are able to go a lot more vigorously. This study measured only time, not overall velocity, torque, or total thrusts which are other key metrics in a sexual encounter. A fat guy is going to have to pace himself otherwise he’ll be gasping for air and dripping with sweat. It’s a cardio thing.
    At the end of the day it all comes back to quality vs quantity. This study also isn’t measuring the partner’s satisfaction, or how soon the man is ready to go for rounds 2 or 3, or anything else besides how long it takes him to finish.
    Being overweight can lead to all sorts of undeniable problems in the bedroom, like not being able to maintain an erection, not being able to achieve an orgasm, and overall bad cardio that prevents them from putting on an award-winning performance.
    In other words, a Corolla is going to get you a lot further on a tank of gas than a Bugatti but which one would you rather be driving?

    STUDY - Insight on pathogenesis of lifelong premature ejaculation: inverse relationship between lifelong premature ejaculation and obesity
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