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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    The Hunt for Gollum

    Description:  “[An award] winning unofficial prequel [of] The Lord of the Rings dramatizing Aragorn & Gandalf's long search for Gollum directed by British filmmaker Chris Bouchard. Based faithfully on the appendices of the books, a non-profit, [and] serious homage to the writing of J.R.R Tolkien and the films of Peter Jackson.

    It was shot on locations in England and Snowdonia with a team of over a hundred [of] people working over the Internet. It took two years to make and was released as a non-profit Internet-only video by agreement with Tolkien [Enterprises].”

    Category by FTI Movie House: Action
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    Item Reviewed: The Hunt for Gollum Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid