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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    How To Fool Everyone With a Fake Before and After Photo

    You can relax and put down all those heavy weights because getting that after-photo look is easier than you thought it was. This video explains how lighting has a huge impact on a before and after picture. These four people stepped in front of the camera to show what a big difference their pose and proper lighting can make, but these examples aren’t even as extreme as a lot of them. These people weren’t pushing out their guts, or loading up on water-weight for the before picture and dehydrating themselves for the after picture.
    Here are a couple more examples of what’s possible in just a few minutes…
    “I decided to take my own transformation photos to see what was possible with just a few easy tweaks. About six months ago I was around 185 pounds and about 16 percent body fat. I was feeling particularly bloated on the day, so I asked my girlfriend to take a before shot. I then shaved my head, face and chest and prepared for the after shot, which was about an hour after I took the before shot. I did a few push ups and chin ups, tweaked my bedroom lighting, sucked in, tightened my abs and BOOM! We got our after shot.”
    And when all else fails, just find yourself a fat twin…

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    Item Reviewed: How To Fool Everyone With a Fake Before and After Photo Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid