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    Saturday, November 15, 2014

    Group of Concerned Citizens Asks for People’s Signatures to Ban Clash of Clans

    Popular online game Clash of Clans is in hot water when a group of protesters who call themselves the “Concerned Parents and Citizens Organization” has set a signature campaign all over the nation to ban the said game.

    news about clash of clans
    source: Trending Now
     For those who don’t know what this game is, Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile massively multiplayer online game (MMO) developed and published by Supercell, a video game company based in Helsinki, Finland in 2012. Its objective is easy; players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir which can be used to defend the player against other players who launches an attack on them.

    It was reported that that the organization are mostly composed of concerned civilians and parents who have children and loved ones who are addicted to the online game. The signature campaign aims to obtain at least a million signatures and as of writing, more than 50,000 signatures have already been gathered. 

    One parent who joined the protest claimed that his son’s addiction to the game made him play all day instead of studying that caused the son’s grade in school to drop. A pastor also claimed that Clash of Clans is the devil’s work and diverts the players’ attention away from the Lord because they just play instead of going to Church and pray. 

    This article is, however, a satire made by the website Trending Now published on November 12, 2014 and has been shared for about 23,000 times on Facebook. 

    Are you also a Clash of Clans addict? How will you feel if this was to happen in real life? Share your thoughts in the comment box! 
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