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    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    VIDEO: Obese man incredibly sang in the audition of X factor

    A very emotional song was performed by an obese man during the X Factor auditions. 

    screenshot photo from youtube

    Freddie COmbs, 41 years old was wheeled out by his wife to the stage of the competition because he was too heavy to walk.

    He performed the song "Wind beneath my Wings" and he owned the song. His voice will move you to tears.

    Freddie's journey in fulfilling his dreams was not easy. He nearly died  back in 2009 because of carbon dioxide poisoning because he weighed 920.

    Since then, he started to do exercise and diet and he lost 475 pounds.

    He said to the staff of the show that nobody was able to hear his voice and music because he was bedridden.

    With Combs' voice the judges were impressed. But Simon Cowell had a deal with him. Simon said that if he will let Comb to be on the show he had to promise that he will not be singing on a wheelchair but he will be standing and owning the stage.

    His wife was his biggest supporter. He married Katrina "Kay" Rife-Combs on July 27, 1996. As they lasted together Freddie's weight rose which require more love and care from his wife.

    Share this inspiring video of a man fighting his self in fulfilling his dreams.  
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