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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    How To Look Great With Clothes On Or Off

    Let’s face it: first impressions are everything and unless you’re a male stripper, you’re going to be judged with your clothes on. And until we’re rich enough to actually enjoy looking like a broke degenerate, we have to accept that what we wear matters.

    Anyone can swipe some celebrity’s style, load up their credit cards, and get compliments, but if you want girls flat out fantasizing about what’s underneath, you’re going to have to work harder.
    What we wear matters, but how we wear it matters even more.
    Ask any girl: the skinny-fat dude covered in layers of “swag” still looks like a beta next to the muscular dude in $50 jeans and a Captain America t-shirt.
    Well, if you’re reading this article, you probably want to be the muscular dude, and while it takes quite a bit of time to build a body that looks outstanding naked, a little muscle goes a long way when you’re clothed.

    Simply adding 10 pounds to the right places can get girls’ heads turning and imaginations going, and that doesn’t have to take more than a few months if you’re new to proper weightlifting.
    What are the “right places” and how do you beef them up as quickly as possible? Let’s find out…

    How to Look Sexy With Your Clothes On

    I hate to say this, but when it comes to looking good with your clothes on, the upper body matters more than the lower body.
    Ask girls what catches their eye most after a clothed guy’s face and they’ll probably say arms, chest, shoulders, and butt (yup…they’re almost as impressed with great butts as us perverts), and that they don’t usually pay attention to the back and don’t even notice the legs at all.
    They’re basically bros that just want to know how much we can bench. And we’re okay with that.
    So, if you want to look better in clothes as quickly as possible, you’re going to want to build up your upper body as quickly as possible and add some junk to your trunk.
    Ask 100 “experts” how to best do this and you’ll probably receive 100 different answers, with each as convincing as the next.
    Well, I’ve not only written extensively on the subject and science of building muscle but I’ve proven I can get results with people of all ages, genetic makeups, and lifestyles, and here’s what you need to know as a natural weightlifter if you want to get the most out of your training:
    You have to emphasize heavy, compound weightlifting.
    One of the easiest ways to get stuck in a rut of no gains is to do a bunch of high-rep lifting (10+ reps per set).
    I learned this lesson the hard way, by spinning my wheels for years and years doing magazine-style workouts with tons of isolation work and drop sets, supersets, giant sets, and other fancy nonsense.
    Here’s what 7 years of that got me:
    Not very impressive. (For reference, I’m 6’2” and about 200 pounds here.
    Everything changed when I dropped it all to focus on compound lifts and the 4-6 rep range, though. Here’s me a couple years later:
    Pretty big difference. (I’m about 185 pounds here.)
    I’m not alone in my stance on heavy weightlifting, either.
    Any expert worth a damn that has plenty of experience working with us poor natty mortals will agree that you simply can’t neglect heavy, compound lifting and expect to have a great physique.
    You have to progressively overload your muscles.
    Simply showing up and going through the motions of moving weights around won’t cut it. If you want to build serious muscle and strength, you have to progressively overload your muscles.
    What that means is you have to progressively increase the tension levels in your muscle fibers over time, and you accomplish this by lifting heavier and heavier weights.
    That simplifies things.
    Your #1 goal in your lifting is adding weight to the bar over time. If you’re still benching the same weight today for more or less the same reps as last year, you’ve failed and need to make a change.
    You have to eat right to see results.
    Mainstream diet and nutrition advice is all kinds of fucked up these days.
    Go read a handful of bestselling books on the subject and you’ll walk away convinced that if you eat anything but gluten-free bread, leafy greens, Brazilian nuts, and coconut oil, you’re going to get fat, contract 14 different diseases, and die young.
    Well, the truth is dieting is much, much simpler than we’re lead to believe by most “gurus” and bestselling “I have an MD so I know everything” authors…
    Whether you want to build muscle or lose fat, HOW MUCH you eat is far more important than WHAT.
    So long as you eat the right amount of calories every day, and break them down into the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, the foods you eat to get there don’t matter.
    Yes, you can eat foods you like, including demonic grains and sugar, and have the body you want.
    Alright, with that out of the way, let’s get to the actual workout…

    Do This and Look Better Than Ever in Clothes in Just 12 Weeks

    There’s nothing “cutting edge” or sexy about what it takes to build muscle and strength. You don’t have to join the cult of Crossfit or eat Paleo or chase the “biohacking” bullshit.
    If you manage your energy balance and macronutrient intake properly and push, pull, and squat heavy ass weights, and stay patient, and you’ll get there. Simple, yes, easy, no.
    If you want to see my words come to fruition, and want to look better than ever, here’s where you can start:
    Monday: Push
    Weds: Pull
    Friday: Legs & Push
    Yup, the “3 squares” of fitness: push, pull, legs, with some additional push to give your upper body a bit more of a boost.
    Here are the workouts:
    Rest 3 minutes in between sets.
    Incline Bench Press – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps (80 to 85% of your 1RM)
    Flat Bench Press – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Military Press (Standing or Seated) – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Side Lateral Raise – 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps
    Face Pull – 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps
    Deadlift – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Barbell Row – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Dumbbell Row – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Wide-Grip Pullup – 3 sets to failure
    Legs & Push
    Incline Bench Press – 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps
    Barbell Squat – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Front Squat or Hack Squat – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Romanian Deadlift – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
    Forget muscle confusion, high-rep pump training, “functional” nonsense, and fancy shit like supersets, drop sets, giant sets, and so forth.
    Instead, focus on pushing, pulling, and squatting heavy weights every week and increasing your strength on these key exercises, and on eating right, and you can’t go wrong.
    Your body will change. And people will notice.
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    Item Reviewed: How To Look Great With Clothes On Or Off Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid