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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    San Francisco High School Students Cutting Class Caught On Camera. Watch The Viral Video

    Video of alleged students of San Francisco High School was caught cutting their classes is going viral online. Can you still remember the tag line ' OVER The BAKOD ' ?

    actual video of cutting classes in San Francisco Highschool
    source: Youtube
    They said that bringing back high school memories will make you smile again and again. Who would forget your favorite teacher , your best friends , or maybe your first crush? 

    These alleged students from SFHS is founding their own high school  memories. An actual video showing uniformed teenagers coming from inside the campus of San Francisco High School climbing trees and sliding poles goes rampant in popular social medias like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter

    "One day these kids  will be a great fire fighters" one commentator said

    However, we Strictly  do not recommend cutting classes . Besides missing opportunity to learn more, there is big possibilities that you'll get hurt outside the school premises.

    Watch the viral video of alleged San Francisco High School students  cutting classes .

    The Girl Who Is Opposite To Me: Watch How This Man Courted The Girl Of Her Dreams
    She Loves Spending More Time With Her Dog than Boys, The Result? Standing Ovation. Watch The Viral Video Watch this video of a dog named Pudsey and his human Ashleigh that amazed the judges of Britain’s Got Talent. source: Youtube Pudsey, a present to Ashleigh on her 11th birthday, is a cross between a Border collie, bichon fries, and a Chinese crested powder puff. In the interview, Ashleigh said that she and Pudsey have an “amazing bond together” and she also does everything from walking, to feeding, and grooming the 6-year-old dog. Ashleigh loves Pudsey so much that even her grandmother commented that the girl’s life revolves around the dog and not around boys.The two went to Britain’s Got Talent audition in hopes for Pudsey to be the next Lassie.Pudsey did tricks taught by Ashleigh as they danced together to BC-52’s Meet The Flintstones. The dog walked on its hind legs like a human that amazed everyone and gained them a standing ovation from the judges and audience. Their performance showed great chemistry and connection between the two of them. Judge Simon Cowell is known as a lover of dog performances and commented that Pudsey was one of the best dancing dogs he has ever seen. His only criticism though was Pudsey should have worn pre-historic clothes like Ashleigh was wearing. Their routine gained the yeses of all three judges David Williams, Alesha Dixon, and of course, Simon Cowell. 
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    Item Reviewed: San Francisco High School Students Cutting Class Caught On Camera. Watch The Viral Video Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid