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    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    Paper Bag Speed Dating Makes Sure You Really Get To Know Each Other (Photos)


    Dating is inherently awkward. You’re trying to get to know a complete stranger in a manufactured situation.
    And a lot of times, the initial connections between two individuals are quite shallow, based almost purely on looks.
    That might not be an issue for some, but physical attraction alone doesn’t make for the best foundation in a relationship.
    With that in mind, one speed dating company called Loveflutter has decided to eliminate this shallow element from dating with the aid of paper bags.
    The dating app is organizing a speed dating event in New York City in which all participants must wear paper bags over their heads.
    The potential lovebirds will write a 14o-character fact about themselves on the bags and begin the process of dating at a quickened pace.
    It’s not completely anonymous, though, as everyone will remove the bags from their heads at the close of the session.
    The whole thing will cost each participant $25, which includes four free drinks and a paper bag art kit.
    The event will take place on November 19 from 7 to 10 pm at the New York Hall of Science.
    Loveflutter has already had one such event in London. We wait with bated breath to see how this experiment unfolds stateside.
    Here are some photos from the London event:

    The whole group with bags on their heads.

    This girl is ready to date.

    This isn’t weird at all.

    It looks like they’re really getting to know each other.

    credits : 

    Adam Pliskin

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    Item Reviewed: Paper Bag Speed Dating Makes Sure You Really Get To Know Each Other (Photos) Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid