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    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    WATCH: Precious moment between sister and baby brother

    Adorable siblings will melt your heart with their sweetness

    image source: youtube
    Nothing could be sweeter than seeing two children playing with each other especially when they are brothers and sisters.

    In this generation where the technology prevails among other people's lives, the amount of people having a quality time with their families are very limited. Most of them are looking down trying to press the gadget that is in-front of them.

    But it is heartwarming to see an older sister with their baby brother.

    They were both sitting down in their home, and the baby boy was trying to reach out for his sister.

    He was leaning against his bigger sister and trying his best to hug her.

    Moments like this makes a family happier. Most of the time people tend to forget the little things that could mean so much. It is always nice to have a little reminder like this video that could be seen few years from now.

    source: philippinews

    Everyone who will be watching this video will surely remember their childhood and bonding moments along with their siblings. It is good to look back at the old times. 
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Precious moment between sister and baby brother Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid