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    Tuesday, February 10, 2015

    Spider-Man joining the Avengers on Marvel Movies

    image source: movieweb
    Finally the most awaited event is happening. 

    Marvel and Sony is working on partnership to involve the friendly neighbor Spider-Man in the Cinematic Univers together with the other Marvel characters. 

    Spider-Man will be a part of the upcoming Marvel movies. The loved characted will be joining the characters Thor, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk along with the other members of the Avengers. 

    A deal was already announced that Sony Pictures and Marvel had tied up together to see a new movie that includes Spider-Man. 

    Spider-Man may be appearing in Captain America: Civil War that will be released in May next year. 

    But the deal had an agreement that Spider-Man will be maintaining the movie rights to the character. 

    They are looking for other innovative ways to bring the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

    Marvel had created a new release schedules for the upcoming movies because they will be indicating Spider-Man on the films. 
    source: theverge

    Most awaited event is happening, Spiderman will join the Avengers on Marvels movie
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