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    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    WATCH: Long Distance Relationship Filipino-Canadian Turned into Husband and Wife

    A Filipino and Canadian Long Distance Love Story turned into Husband and Wife

     Filipino Canadian Relationship (factsify)
    Distance is never a valid reason for two people to not fall in love with each other. No matter how far, no matter how impossible as long as you love each other you will find ways to spend your lives together.

    A true to life love story that started with a single friend request over Facebook eventually ended with the exchanges of I dos.

    On November 2009. Romel Sindol a Filipino from General Santos City, Philippines and Elodie Pelletier of Quebec, Canada became friends over Facebook and since then they had a consistent communication with each other through the use of Skype and MSN.

    As the time passed by, they had developed deeper feelings for each other but they came from different parts of the worlds.

    On January 5, 2012, Elodie traveled to the Philippines to meet the man of her life but after a few days together she had to go back to Canada. Distance was in between the two of them again but they did not lose hope. They held onto each other's promise and 1 year and 6 months after her first visit, Elodie travels to the Philippines again and this time it's for good.

    source: factsify

    They decided to get married here in the Philippines and spend their lives together. 
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Long Distance Relationship Filipino-Canadian Turned into Husband and Wife Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid