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    Tuesday, February 17, 2015

    WATCH: Pinay Domestic Helper forced to do intercourse seeks help of authorities

    Pinay Domestic Helper almost forced to have intercourse seeks the attention of the authorities

    image source: facebook
    Filipinos sacrifice travelling thousands of miles away to work abroad because of the competitive salary that awaits them. But the danger is always a part of the work especially when you are a woman working in the Middle East.

    An Overseas Filipino Worker filmed herself asking for the help of the authorities. She wanted to get help because of the incident that happened to her.

    Bernadette have been in Saudi Arabia for almost a year now. She worked abroad to support her family.

    An incident happened on August 30, the son of her boss went to the guest room as she was cleaning it. The man came there and asked her to have an intercourse with him. But she refused, the man threatened her not to tell anyone or else something bad will happen.

    Bernadette is afraid that one day the son of her boss will do something bad if she refuses again. She doesn't have the passport with her that's why she could not go away.

    She made the video to seek the help of the people who can help her and do something about the situation.
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Pinay Domestic Helper forced to do intercourse seeks help of authorities Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid