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    Saturday, February 7, 2015

    Father did not give up his baby who is suffering from Down Syndrome

    image source: weartv
    An angel that was sent from up above. That is what Samuel Forrest felt when he first heard the cry of his own baby from the hospital room of his wife.

    But a devastation news awaited Samuel, the pediatrician approached them along with the other hospital authorities. They are not allowed to see their son because the Pediatrician said that there was a problem with their newborn baby.

    Forrest followed the hospital officials to a room where their baby was held. When he walked into the room, the doctor broke the news.

    They said that Leo, their baby was born with Down Syndrome. Samuel Forrest had a moment of shock. But when he realized everything, Forrest held his little baby Leo for the first time and said, "he's beautiful--he's perfect and I'm absolutely keeping him."

    But Forrest's wife's reaction was unexpected. She threatened him that they will be getting a divorce if he chooses to keep him.

    In Armenia, their is a hospital practice where they are telling the parents of the babies that was born with disorders that they didn't have to keep them.

    Despite of being threatened with divorce, Forrest had no doubts that he will be keeping his son.

    source: weartv

    After one week, Leo's mom filed the divorce. Forrest plans to bring Leo to New Zealand where they will be getting the support of their families and friends. 
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