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    Monday, February 23, 2015

    Eternal Love: Dead Husband sends flowers to Widowed wife on Valentine's Day

    Flowers are one of the few things that could be a proof that you are really important to someone

    On Valentine's Day a lot of women are bound to receive a very special kind of flower coming from their lover.

    But for Shelly Golay, a widow it was more than just a flower. Her husband Jim Golay was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor on February of last year.

    Knowing that he only had few months to live, his romantic husband planned a wonderful surprise for his wife.

    Eventhough Jim already passed away for almost a year, his wife was surprised to received flowers from her husband on Valentine's day. At first she thought that it came for their kids. But when she contacted the flowershop, she found out the plan of his husband.

    Jim had a deal with the owner of the flowershop to send out flowers to his wife every Valentine's day for the rest of her life.
    source: wereblog

    It was a very sweet gesture from the husband and it only shows that his love for her is eternal.  
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