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    Sunday, February 15, 2015

    LOOK: Cristine Reyes' Baby Girl Amarah!

    Cristine Reyes gave birth to a baby girl named Amarah last Sunday, February 8.

    image source: Cristine Reyes official Facebook Account
    The actress posted on her social media account a picture of her baby girl with Ali Khatibi on Friday, February 13
    Cristine recounts her experience of giving birth prematurely. She also said on her instagram post that she will ensure her family's health.

    February 8th, Sunday our Amarah finally came to see it. She really was such
    a wonderful blessing.
    I Fought for 2 weeks to hold her in. I've been put on total bed rest and
    wasn't able to sit, move and stand. Was on Heavy medication on my birthday
    and spent the day knocked out. I was Monitored every two hours for awhile.
    I was In and out of the delivery room. But then, time has come that Amarah
    wanted to see the world, in which, none can control.
    That feeling of love was instantaneously.
    However, she came a little too early than expected and now in need of
    critical care and assistance. It's hard to see her handled by different
    people in the NICU. I just hope and pray that she's well taken cared for. I
    realized that no one can't beat the loving and tender care of a mother. Just
    got a little apprehensive when I learned that there was a one person visitor
    policy. It breaks my heart at the time when Ali and I have to leave the
    hospital without her in our arms. It's sad but we have to be strong. We've
    been fighting for our little angel and now she has to fight this alone.
    If it were in my hands, I'd love for my daughter to reach full term. I did
    everything to make sure that she was healthy - I read books, seek advice
    from my in-laws, family, friends and professionals to make sure all was
    I just don't think it's fair when people judge me and saying that it was my
    fault. I plan to disregard NEGATIVITY in my life. My only priority right
    now is our little fighter. I actually don't really need to explain myself.
    Our baby is getting stronger everyday and we will be with her throughout the
    fight. She's our wonderful blessing. She will win this battle like a champ
    just like her father. My family and friends will be praying for our Amarah. 

    source: Facebook

    “I fought for two weeks to hold her in. I’ve been put on total bed rest and wasn’t able to sit, move and stand. I was on heavy medication on my birthday and spent the day knocked out. I was monitored every two hours for a while. I was in and out of the delivery room. But then, [the] time has come that Amarah wanted to see the world,” she wrote.
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    Item Reviewed: LOOK: Cristine Reyes' Baby Girl Amarah! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid