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    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    WATCH: Heartfelt story of a father who lied to his daughter

    Father lies to his daughter to make her feel better

    image source: youtube
    A child's future is worth every sacrifice.

    Another inspiring and heartfelt video would make everyone who have watched it cry.

    It is a story of a little girl and his dad. Everyday her dad would send her to school with a happy smile on his face. As if he was not thinking about any problems. They would eat outside and buy her ice cream.

    It was their everyday routine. Her dad was always smiling and no sign of hunger or pain could be spotted on his face.

    But the little girl knew that it was not okay. She knew that her father is lying to her everyday just to make her feel better.

    He would lie and tell him that he has a job and he has enough money to treat her when the real thing was they were suffering. Her dad did not let her feel that it was not okay.

    But she still found a way to figure out his sacrifices and told him on a letter that she wrote for her.

    It was a very heartfelt situation for the father  who fights for everything just to give the best future that he could for his children. 
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Heartfelt story of a father who lied to his daughter Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid