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    Wednesday, February 4, 2015

    Obama Forgot to Salute a Marine. But What He Did Next Was Truly Humbling!

    Obama forgot to salute, but comeback was unexpected

    image source: youtube
    The President of United States Barack Obama forgot to give salute to the marine who was standing beside his helicopter.

    As seen on the video, the President was rushing towards the helicopter and it appeared that he might have not seen the marine or he just simply ignored the marine on purpose.

    The members of the military are needed to salute the president as a sign of respect for the highest leader of the country.

    In 1981, Ronald Reagan started another practice for the American presidents. It was the returning of salute to the military people.

    Most of the American people were not pleased by Obama because he lacks the experience when it comes to military.

    But what he did on this video became a good image.

    source: elitereaders

    When the President realized that he forgotten something he immediately jogged down the helicopter again and approached the military man and shook his hand. He also said few words to that man. 

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