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    Saturday, February 21, 2015

    WATCH: Hardest part of every relationship is "LETTING GO"

    Move on: Lettin him/her go

    image source: youtube
    The best feeling in the world is falling inlove and knowing that the one you love, loves you back. But not all relationships has a happy ending, because in every happiness you feel, there's pain.

    In every relationship, couples always dream that in their future they would still be together but then, our hearts get tired. Little by little the love between us fades. Because nothing lasts forever.

    "Break na tayo." "It's Over" "Ayoko na" Words that are easy to say but hard to do. Moving on is hard specially when you see your other-half falling inlove with somebody while you, you're still into him/her.

    Because of love, we do a lot of crazy stuff. You deletes his/her number, then you realize that you memorized his number. You wanted to move on and yet you keep on looking and checking on her Facebook account and you keep on rereading her/his status.

    Moving even brings you to the lowest point of your life where in you desperately wanted to win him/her back. You miss all those times you were with him/her, all those promises and moments but you just can't bring those back. All you have to do is move on.
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Hardest part of every relationship is "LETTING GO" Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid