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    Saturday, February 21, 2015

    WATCH: Magical moment of a father and newborn taking first bath together

    Spectacular moment between Father and Newborn Child taking a bath together

    image source: youtube
    Eventhough newborn babies are just tiny little creatures, they could already feel the love and affection that comes from their parents.

    During the first few months the newly born children are still fragile because of their weak bones and soft muscles but that doesn't mean that they could not be spent time with.

    A video of a father taking the first bath along with his newly born child had been making rounds over the social media sites.

    Some parents are scared to caress their babies and take a bath with them but this dad is confident enough to have a little playtime with his buddy.

    He continuously talked to the baby as they were taking a bath. The mother was filming the video and it could be said that they have a wonderful and happy family towards the way that they treat each other.

    Bonding is a very important aspect in a family. It is what binds the together to become united. It is essential in a way that the family keeps track of everything that is happening despite of having busy schedules.
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Magical moment of a father and newborn taking first bath together Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid