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    Wednesday, May 13, 2015

    WATCH: This girl effortlessly belted out the song "Sayang na Sayang"

    Beverly Caimen effortlessly singing "Sayang na Sayang"

    Beverly Caimen sings "Sayang na Sayang"
    Beverly Caimen sings "Sayang na Sayang"

    We've seen a lot of viral videos of Filipinos singing songs and hitting the high notes of the song effortlessly, but this girl's performance is something you can't explain with just words.

    She is Beverly Caimen, she effortlessly belted out the song of Aegis entitled "Sayang na Sayang".

    She's hitting the high notes effortlessly as if she was really born to sing, and she seems so professional in this career! Most singers somehow move too much just to reach the high note perfection, some even brings the microphone away from them, but this girl, she just stood there and sang the song perfectly!

    For those who doesn't know, Beverly Caiman is the grand champion of the World Championship ofPerforming Arts (WCOPA) 2013 as the Vocalist of the World. The WCOPA is the same competition where Jed Madela won in 2005.

    The video of Beverly Caimen singing "Sayang na Sayang" is now making rounds online and she's receiving praises from the netizens, some netizens even salutes because their time wasn't wasted when they watched this video.

    DO you agree that Beverly Caimen really gave justice to the song? Do you agree that she sings effortlessly? Share us your thoughts!
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: This girl effortlessly belted out the song "Sayang na Sayang" Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid