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    Friday, May 29, 2015

    Strangers Dropped Wallet in Front of These Children. What These Kids Did Was Beyond Everyone's Expectation!

    The people of this generation think that kids these days don't know how to interact with other people because they are growing up with lots of high tech gadgets around them, they also thought that kids these days already lost all the manners that a kid should have. But we are all wrong, the humanity and all the good manners are still alive in children.

    As a kid, what would you do if a stranger accidentally dropped his/her wallet in front of you, considering that the wallet contains lots of money and credit cards? Would you give it back? Or you would rather claim it?

    In this video, the kids were left by their mothers in a waiting shed along with the adult strangers. As they were waiting for their mothers, the stranger beside them suddenly dropped something valuable, their wallet.

    Almost all of the kids were hesitant to pick it up and give it back to the owner, but because of the eagerness to give it back to the owner, the kids gathered all their strength to pick up the wallet and to give it back to the owner without even showing signs of interest in the wallet.

    And also, one of the reasons why these Japanese children are hesitant to talk to the owner of the wallet, is because Japanese people are generally shy people.

    You see? Children are really born with good manners.

    source: rachfeed

    Do you agree that these Japanese children deserve countless salutes for their honesty? Share us your thoughts!
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    Item Reviewed: Strangers Dropped Wallet in Front of These Children. What These Kids Did Was Beyond Everyone's Expectation! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid