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    Thursday, May 21, 2015

    5 yr old boy insisted to buy food for a homeless man. What happened next is really moving

    Most of people thinks that the newest generation of kids are those who won't give any help to the world because most of children today aren't well-mannered. But this story is the most unique one that you'll ever know. This might help you believe again that humanity still lives in children.

    Here's the heart warming story of Josiah Duncan a 5 year old kid who fed a homeless in a Waffle house in Pratville, Alabama, wherein he bring everyone in the waffle house in tears.

    According to the Ava Faulk, Josiah's mother, he was really disturbed after seeing the man with his bike while holding an empty bag. He then started asking his mom about the man so she explained that the man is homeless.

    "What does homeless mean? Where is his house? Where is his family? Where does he keep his groceries? Josiah continuously asked his mom.

    The only thing that Ava Faulk's told Josiah is that a homeless means one that does not have a home. After the kid knew about what homeless meant, he then asked his mom if they could buy the man a decent meal to which his mom agreed so they invited the homless man inside the waffle house.

    According to Ava Faulk, when the homeless man entered the restaurant and sat down, no one even came up to him to ask what he wants. So the kid again asked if the man needed a menu because he won't be able to order without one.

    Since they insisted to pay for the man's meal, he just insisted to have the cheapest meal on the menu, but Ava and Josiah told him that he can have anything he wants. That's when the man decided to have bacons and the kid told him that he can have as many bacons as he want.

    Before eating, Josiah then talked to the homeless and asked if he could say the blessing with him. He then sang as loud as he can share the blessings to everyone and also to be thankful for all the blessings.

    At that point of time, everyone in the waffle house was in tears. They all couldn't hold back their tears because of what Josiah did.

    "Watching my son touched 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent, I'll ever get to witness." Ava Faulk said.

    You see? The humanity in this generation still lives for some.

    Watch this video and see it for yourself:

    source: kickerdaily

    Do you agree that this kid is the new hero? Share us your thoughts! 
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    Item Reviewed: 5 yr old boy insisted to buy food for a homeless man. What happened next is really moving Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid