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    Friday, May 29, 2015

    These Officers are Real Heroes After Reviving a Drowning Dog Using With Mouth-to Mouth Resuscitation

    A police officer revives a dog with mouth-to-mouth after rescuing it from a river in Colombia

    Pet lovers know what it feels to have someone beside through good and bad times. These people really treat dogs as their best friends. But in emergency cases, would you ever rescue a dog in a dangerous river even if it also puts your life in danger? Well, these officers just answered that question with a yes!

    In Colombia, police officers rescued a dog that fell into the dangerous flow of water in the Liboriana river that was caused by heavy rainfall.

    It can be seen in the video that the dog was really scared because of the flow of water. This officer didn't even think twice about getting into the water just to save the dog. And once he caught the dog, they immediately pumped the dog.

    What even surprised other people is when one of the police officers revives the dog with a mouth-to-mouth after rescuing it.

    The dog was alive thanks to the police officers who saved its life. Although the dog suffered from injuries because of the rocks and debris in the river, they still expect that the dog will make a full recovery.

    Others were not as lucky as this dog because, more than 60 lives of people were taken away after a landslide and flood crashed into the homes of people.

    If you were one of the police officers, would you risk your life to save the dog? Share us your thoughts! 
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