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    Thursday, May 21, 2015

    This Girl Has Been Bullied All Her Life. Kind Strangers Give Teen Something to Smile About!

    We are all aware that a lot of people are being bullied in different parts of the world. Some are bullied because of what they do, but most of the time people are being bullied because of their physical appearance. As a bullying victim, you should care less to the people who bully you and focus on the how to get up when everything seems to be falling apart! Watch this heart warming story of a bullying victim.

    She is Breanna Mendoza, a  14- year old kid who gets bullied because of her congenital disease called Goldenhar Syndrome, which is the main cause of the deformation of Breanna Mendoza's face.

    “I was in second or first grade and I thought about just going into the street and just going in front of a bus. See what happens when you bully [people] to such a point? I want to prove to people that this is wrong and it does hurt,” she said.
    Because of the intense bullying she gets from the people around her, she stopped going to school.

    A lot of people were touched and were really moved by her story including a local photographer. This local photographer named Heather Marshall thought of something that will surely brighten up Breanna's mood.

    Heather Marshall called Blush Beauty and Salon Bellissimo to plan a memorable day for Breanna, a day where she will feel that she's the most beautiful girl in the world!

    Heather Marshall then contacted the mother of Breanna to share the good news.

    “I didn’t want her to think that the hair and makeup being done meant that she’s not already pretty, that was a concern I had — that she’d think the hair and makeup was what made her pretty. Makeup doesn’t make you pretty, but it might help make her feel pretty.” Heather Marshall told the Yahoo News.

    Marshall then organized a photo shoot where in Breanna can give her best smile without thinking that people might judge her!

    "I definitely got a piece back that I lost inside, I definitely got that piece of happiness back,” Breanna said.

    Now that you've seen how bullying affects one's life, would you still continue to bully people? And to all those parents out there, you should be aware with what your children are doing to other people.

    Watch and know the heartwarming story of this wonderful girl: 

    source: liftbump , image source: Heather Marshall Photography

    Do you agree that Breanne is indeed beautiful? Share us your thoughts! 
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    Item Reviewed: This Girl Has Been Bullied All Her Life. Kind Strangers Give Teen Something to Smile About! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid