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    Thursday, May 21, 2015

    These homeless people need something to wear. What this man did was truly heartwarming

    Most of the people these days gets what they want in life. Even kids these days have their own apple gadgets. Some kids even get mad at their parents for not giving them the latest gadgets. Whenever you get mad at your parents for not giving you what you want, have you ever thought of the people around you? Those homeless people who have no clothes and shoes to wear? Those who don't have food to eat and water to drink? Well, this video might teach you a valuable lesson that you should bring with you for the rest of your life.

    This video that was uploaded in the YouTube channel of "OmarGoshTV" you will see how this man showed his son how the homeless people live in Florida.

    In this video, the man walks around Florida looking for homeless people and showing his son how they live. But the good news is, they don't just stare at them while they suffer from the sudden change of weather. In fact, this father and son gives shoes, slippers, socks, sandals and even shirts to every homeless person they see.

    In the last part of the video, this man saw a sleeping homeless who's not wearing a shirt near a restaurant. So he went near him and asked where are his clothes. That's also the time when he realized that the homeless man was wearing a smaller woman's shoes. What he did next was truly moving.

    He then gave this man a pair of shoes, socks and blankets for him to use. But the best part is when this man removed his shirt and let the homeless man to wear it. He even offered him a little prayer after giving the stuffs. The homeless man then thanked him for such kindness he showed him.

    You see? Not everyone in this world will harm you. Watch this video and let your heart be filled with joy:

    Do you agree that what this man did is indeed heroic? Share us your thoughts!
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    Item Reviewed: These homeless people need something to wear. What this man did was truly heartwarming Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid