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    Saturday, May 9, 2015

    NO REMATCH: Mayweather calls Pacquiao, "Sore Loser" and "Coward"

    Manny is a "Sore Loser" and "Coward" according to Mayweather

    Mayweather first sent out a text message to ESPN's Stephen A. Smith indicating that he was considering a rematch between him and Manny Pacquiao.

    But when he was in an interview with Jim Gray on Showtime, Mayweather has a whoke new perspective. He said that he will not be in a rematch with Manny Pacquiao.

    "At this particular time, no, because he's a sore loser and he's a coward. If you lost, accept the loss and say, 'Mayweather, you were the better fighter." said by Floyd.

    He said this statement after Manny Pacquiao revealed that he has a a torn right rotator cuff that was needed to be done with a surgery.

    Mayweather was not pleased with the complications that came out after winning the fight of the century. "Excuses, excuses, excuses," "I'm not going to buy into the bull----… and I don't want the public to buy into the bull----. He lost. He knows he lost. I lost a lot of respect for him after all of this." Mayweather added.

    Mayweather also said in the interview that he would defeat Manny Pacquiao 100 out of 100 times.

    For those who have seen the fight, who is the real champion? Who fought better, Manny Pacquiao or Floyd Mayweather? 

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    Item Reviewed: NO REMATCH: Mayweather calls Pacquiao, "Sore Loser" and "Coward" Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid