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    Friday, May 29, 2015

    She looks like a harmless little girl, but when she starts performing everyone was shocked!

    People often underestimate the skills and knowledge of kids these days. They always think that the children of this generation know nothing but to use those high tech gadgets. But this girl had just proved that no one should underestimate a child's skill. Watch this video and be surprised!

    She is Jesse Jane McParland, a 9 year old girl who's perfectly awesome and probably an expert in martial artsand in handling a sword.

    At her audition in Britain's Got Talent, the judges were amazed with the cuteness that this girl has. Everyone was like "Aww, she's a little cutie". But as we all know, looks can really be deceiving, and Jesse just proved that saying.

    Despite her young age, Jesse had already won several competitions including kick boxing.

    In her audition, everyone was waiting for her performance, but as she was expecting, they were all frightened when they saw how she handled the sword. The crowd was even more scared when Jesse starts flipping while holding the sword.

    With her flawless performance, she received four big yeses from the judges of Britain's Got talent.
    Source; metaspoon

    Would you mess up with this cute little girl? Do you agree that what she just did up there is impressive? Share us your thoughts! 

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    Item Reviewed: She looks like a harmless little girl, but when she starts performing everyone was shocked! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid