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    Monday, March 16, 2015

    WOW: 96 year old Apo Whang-od keeps the traditional tattoo art alive!

    Apo Whang-Od " The National Treasure" of Kalinga

    Credit photo from Brian Mark Barqueros
    In the province of Tinglayan, Kalinga, there is a legendary tattoo artist or more popularly known as "mambabatok".
    She is Apo Whang-od, a ninety-six year old traditional tattoo artist who still believes that doing the tattoo the traditional way signifies beauty and bravery.

    image source: abs-cbnnews
    Apo Whang-od uses a broom stick that was dipped in a wet crashed charcoal to be used as the ink and uses a thorn from "Suha" to apply the tattoo.

    source: abs-cbnnews

    Because of the popularity and as the oldest practitioner of the traditional art, the other tattoo artists even from different countries travel and face all the consequences just to meet the "mambabatok"
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    Item Reviewed: WOW: 96 year old Apo Whang-od keeps the traditional tattoo art alive! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid