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    Sunday, March 29, 2015

    VIRAL: Faithful Dogs Followed The Ambulance After His Owner Was Rushed To The Hospital

    Dogs really are man's best friend! This faithful dog had proven everyone that in good and in bad times, he should always be buy his owner's side.

    This is a video about a dog who chased the ambulance after his owner was rushed to the hospital after having a seizure.

    The people inside the ambulance were the ones who took the video, they thought that maybe after few meters the dog will stop and get tired of chasing. But they were wrong, when they weren't able to see the dog on the left side mirror, they looked at the right side of the ambulance and there thy saw the dog who's running very fast to stay close with the ambulance.

    Since the dog didn't stopped running, they decided to put take the dog in the ambulance and bring him near to his owner. When they reached the hospital, the dog was just sitting there beside the bed of his owner.

    This video showed that the dog is really faithful and concerned to his owner. He just showed everyone that loyalty and faith aren't just done by humans but also pet who are treated as best-friends.

    source: dailymail
    Do you think that dis dog is indeed faithful to his owner? Share us your thoughts

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    Item Reviewed: VIRAL: Faithful Dogs Followed The Ambulance After His Owner Was Rushed To The Hospital Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid