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    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    VIRAL: Adorable Video of a Cat Protecting a Baby from Touching a Hot Stove!

    Internet. The place where people despise and at the same time, obsess themselves with cats. We get it, this adorable pet may tug your heart with their cuteness, but they also have a lazy side that can piss you.
    However, people just can’t seem to get enough of them. After all, who wouldn't fall in love with these charming creatures? And to balance things out, some cats may also feel attached to their owner, and this cat will show you just how protective they can be!
    You know how babies are, they want to explore, touch and eat everything in sight. In this video, a stove caught the attention of a toddler. He started touching it but on this case however, he can’t possibly harm himself because of the height of thestove.
    Now what captures our attention is their white cat! It tried to push the baby away from the stove, thinking it may burn him. The cat even tried to block the baby’s hand with his little paws, now how awesome is that?
    There’s a simple explanation behind this heart-warming video. In the kingdom Animalia, cats are one of the species who are known to be keen with their territory. Judging from the environment, the cat and the kid probably grew together that’s why the cat feels the need to protect the baby because it views him as its own.
    Watch the video below and feel free to share your thoughts with us! 
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    Item Reviewed: VIRAL: Adorable Video of a Cat Protecting a Baby from Touching a Hot Stove! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid