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    Monday, March 30, 2015

    WATCH: Mesmerizing Gown of Jennifer Lopez in American Idol

    Incredible gown of Jennifer Lopez during American Idol S14 performance

    Jennifer Lopez is one of the world's greatest performer of all time. She had proven her talent as a singer and she also has the moves for a great dancer.

    But another iconic performance wowed the people as she took the stage of American Idol Season 14. J.Lo is one of the judges of the top singing competition in America entitled, American Idol.

    Aside from her distinctive voice as she sang "Feel the Light", her gown definitely took the performance to another level.

    Her amazing performance became more interesting as the characters and effects from the upcoming animated movie, "Home" showed on her dress.

    The images made the simple gown look incredible. It turned the gown into a gown that everyone would love to wear. It was done with the help of lights and technology.

    Jennifer Lopez never fails to surprise her fans and all the audiences that patiently wait for her performances.

    Isn't Jennifer Lopez' gown elegant and wonderful? Would you wear the same gown with all the effects and lights? Share your thoughts below. 
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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: Mesmerizing Gown of Jennifer Lopez in American Idol Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid