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    Saturday, March 7, 2015

    VIRAL: Shocking Video of an 11-year old kid Gets Eaten by Piranhas

    The family of this young kid, specially his mother kept on crying as he saw this kid's body.

    image source: youtube
    Piranhas are one of the creatures that are mainly misunderstood in this world. We often see piranhas in moves that eats human and kills them. However there had been researches that piranhas only protect theirselves form their predators.

    image source: youtube
    There had been reports about piranhas killing humans but as what researchers said it is indeed very rare. Still, the internet world was shocked when they saw this video of an eleven year old kid found dead with a desecrated body.

    Some of the people who saw the body of the kid believed that piranhas ate the body of the kid, while the others said that maybe he was already dead from drowning when piranhas ate his body.

    Watch the video here : Youtube

    source: wereblog

    In this video, you can see that the 11-year old kid is still wearing clothes and even his shoe, but his body was very close to being a skeleton.
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    Item Reviewed: VIRAL: Shocking Video of an 11-year old kid Gets Eaten by Piranhas Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid