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    Sunday, March 8, 2015

    Steve Cook -Muscle Fitness Model

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    Born on December 10, 1984

    Optimum Nutrition, Bodybuilding.com SWOLDIER
    I grew up in a very large, active, family. My father was a coach and a Athletic Director that involved me in sports at a very early age. I can remember Him taking my siblings and me to the track for daily workouts. Summer months in Idaho meant playing outside from sun up to sun down. Unlike youth today we weren't allowed to watch TV during daylight hours. When I did get to watch TV I spent commercial breaks doing pushups or sit ups. If I wanted to hang out with friends pushups we often times the price I paid for play time. While at the time I didn't appreciate it this "training" set a foundation that I would later come to rely on in sports and eventual led to bodybuilding.
    I vividly remember being in middle school touching actual weights. It was instant electricity that I felt as I used my muscles to move the weight. Even at a young age I had a good mind-muscle connection (from the pushups) and quickly gained strength, benching 205lb in the 6th grade was a mark that impressed even my Dad . In High school I continued to lift. For me it wasn't just for sports like it was for most Athletes. I truly loved the weight room and what it was doing to my body. It also transferred onto the playing field. I became a All State running back and earned a college scholarship to play football due largely to my work in the weight room.
    Through my collegiate years I continued to get stronger and putt on quality size. While other football players only cared about doing "football lifts" I was also was concerned with shaping my muscles. I read and re-read Arnold's Bodybuilding of Encyclopedia and became very interested in bodybuilding. After getting done with football I decided to start training more like a bodybuilder. Football had given me a good foundation with strong legs and back now it was about refining.

    I am a Optimum Nutrition sponsored Athlete. I feel very blessed to be a part of a supplement company that uses a health first approach. I love the fact they make such quality products. I'm very lucky to have them in my corner. If you have any question regarding there products I would be more than happy to answer. I am also aBodybuilding.com spokes mode, Six Pack Bags Athlete and Five Four Clothing ambassador .

    I must concentrate on health and not the way I look. It is the only way I am happy. Its a balancing act but its crucial to a well rounded life! Sadly I have seen, and even been that person that was only concerned with image and it was only when I concentrated on health did I see how unhappy I was trying to achieve physical perfection.
    We all have the ability to be healthier. Its not a contest, or something that is should be waved in front of others. Health is about effort, its about personally being the best you can be,

    Helping other achieve there fitness and health goals.

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    Item Reviewed: Steve Cook -Muscle Fitness Model Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid