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    Saturday, March 7, 2015

    VIRAL: Unlikely Couple proves the world that love knows no boundaries

    People around the world have this mindset that when a person has a disability, he/she will only find a partner who's the same with him/her. But people are very wrong.

    image source: elitereaders

    This couple proved to everybody that their mindset about love is wrong. They showed the real meaning of love. The only thing they were thinking is that love knows no boundaries.

    image source: elitereaders
    Sean Stephenson and Mindie Kniss are just like any other couple despite the fact that Sean suffers from brittle bone. Sean is only 2ft 8 inches tall.

    "It's a joy to be married to this woman, not a day goes by where I don't  tell her i love her, probably 8,000 times." Sean said.

    image source: elitereaders
    This couple still is the same with all of the married couples all around the globe, they date, they kiss, they hug and everything.

    source: thedailypedia

    There's no hindrance in love, because love knows no boundaries and this Unlikely couple proved it to the world.
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    Item Reviewed: VIRAL: Unlikely Couple proves the world that love knows no boundaries Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid