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    Monday, March 30, 2015

    Heart-melting Video of a Deaf Woman Hearing Her Husband's Voice For the First time

    Woman Bursted to Tears when she hears her Husband's Voice 

    Whenever people sees someone who has a disability, they easily pity them. What they don't know is that most of disabilities these days already have solutions and cure.

    This is a story of a deaf woman who was able to hear her husband for the very first time. At first, she was just talking to the doctor, and the doctor was giving her warnings that when she hear a man's voice, it might be much louder than hers.

    Few moments later after talking to her doctor, the voice suddenly changed into a big man's voice.

    Her reaction was really priceless when she was able to hear her husband's voice. As the man kept on talking, the deaf woman suddenly bursted into tears as she listens to her husband's voice. Hearing her husband's voice for the first time felt like she fell in love over and over again with him.

    source: Facebook

    Do you think that this is really a heart-melting story? Would you feel the same way she did if you were in her shoes? Share us your thoughts!
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    Item Reviewed: Heart-melting Video of a Deaf Woman Hearing Her Husband's Voice For the First time Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid