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    Sunday, April 19, 2015

    Woman stunned after meeting her Doppelganger on Facebook

    Student finds her Doppelganger with the help of Social Media who lives an hour away

    Niamh Geaney and Karen Branigan
    Niamh Geaney and Karen Branigan

    A woman named Niamh Geaney finds her nearest lookalike over the social media as they launched a campaign on Facebook.

    Friend of Niamh in twinstrangers
    Friend of Niamh via twinstrangers
    With the help of her two male friends they decided to make a project entitled, Twin Strangers. The goal was to find their Doppelganger, a person that looks physically like you, in just 28 days.

    Their project was successful as they have found Karen Branigan, 29 years old who lives just an hour from their location. They are both natives of Ireland.

    Niamh and Karen's physical features surely brought confusion to their friends and families.
    Karen meets Niamh via twinstrangers
    Karen meets Niamh via twinstrangers
    'For the entire duration of our encounter I pretty much stared at her. I couldn't get over her face, and some of the expressions she would pull I would think to myself or say aloud,
    Oh my God that’s my face." Karen said. 
    'For the entire duration of our encounter I pretty much stared at her. I couldn’t get over her face,' Niamh said.
    It is truly amazing that the power of social media can bring shocking results to Niamh's project. The two ladies could not believe how they are very similar to each other.

    source: dailymail
    Isn't this project amazing? What would be your reaction if you meet your Doppelganger over the social media? Share your insights with us. 

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    Item Reviewed: Woman stunned after meeting her Doppelganger on Facebook Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid