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    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    79 year old man had been living in a shed for 5 weeks in Leyte

    79 year old man living in a shed
    79 year old man living in a shed 

    There had been a lot of viral stories of elders who were experience a tough life because of being separated from their families. Here's another story of an old man named Arsenio Marson Villamor who is currently suffering in a shed for almost five weeks.

    He is lolo Arsenio Marson Villamor, a 79 year old man who had been living in a shed for almost five weeks. According to lolo Arsenio, he is from Cebu and his children Olga Cabatingan and Melchor Villamor are living in Manila. 
    Arsenio Marson Villamor
    Original post from Facebook

     With his few pair of shorts and clothes, it's really obvious that he is suffering extreme weather conditions. And with a little food and water he have, it can be concluded that he is surely dehydrated and hungry.

    Arsenio Marson Villamor in the shed

    Arsenio Marson Villamor
    Arsenio Marson Villamor 
    Arsenio Marson Villamor

    source: Facebookviral4real

    Share this until it reaches the families of lolo Arsenio, let u share to help him! 
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    Item Reviewed: 79 year old man had been living in a shed for 5 weeks in Leyte Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid