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    Sunday, April 5, 2015

    WATCH: A Touching Video that will show you that God is always with you

    Tear-Jerking Video That Will make you realize that God is Always with you

    Lenten Season lets us realize that in every problem we're facing and all the challenges we will be conquering, there's God to give us strength and wisdom. And also, Lenten Season show us that although God is the one giving us the problems, he will also be the one to help us conquer it and battle it with.

    This video shows a group of men carrying a big cross the way Jesus carried his cross. But there's this one man who constantly asked God if he could cut the big cross because he can't carry it. So, he did. He cut the cross several times to make it short and to carry it easily. But another problem came, there was an opening in the road. The men started using their cross as their bridge to be able to cross it. But since this man has shorter cross, he wasn't able to use it as a bridge and he continuously asked for God's forgiveness.

    We should always remember that in every tough situation that God gives us, don't forget that there's a big reason behind it. You might be in pain today but after everything it will all be worth it.

    source: philippinews

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    Item Reviewed: WATCH: A Touching Video that will show you that God is always with you Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid