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      Tuesday, April 14, 2015

      A Son Sends His Parents IPhone6 Through LBC But The Parents Received An Empty Package

      Whenever we send valuable things to our loved ones who are far from us, we usually send those through our trusted companies, but what would you do if the company you trusted starts getting the items you wanted to send? 

      Talking about money transfers and items that are for delivery, the first company that comes into our minds is LBC. But just like other companies, the employees tend to ruin the company's name by stealing items that are for delivery.

      On a Facebook post of  Ian Gaffud, he stated that he sent his parents an iPhone 6 together with some accessories. The package came but his parents were shocked when they opened the package and saw nothing. The packaging and the Tupperware and even the box were in tact but the gadget, specifically the iPhone 6  was gone together with the accessories. Ian already called the LBC and they said that it will take 30 days for them to investigate about the missing items of Ian Gaffud.

      Original post from facebook by Ian Gaffud
      source: facebookviral4real
      Do you think that the employees of LBC are really stealing the items? Or maybe that the item was really lost? Maybe it fell before it was sent? Share us your thoughts! 
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      Item Reviewed: A Son Sends His Parents IPhone6 Through LBC But The Parents Received An Empty Package Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid