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    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    VIRAL: 91-year old Pinoy Bodybuilder seeks sponsors to reach Guinness Book of World Records

    91 year old Pinoy Bodybuilder seeks help to reach the Guinness Book of World Records

    Ramon Lim Lopez 91 yrs old
    Ramon Lim Lopez 91 yrs oldimage source: Facebook 

    A lot of people are using social Medias to seek help from the authorities for their needs, here's another story of a 91- year old man seeking help in different social Medias.

    Ramon Lim Lopez 91 yrs old

    He is Ramon Lim Lopez, a 91 year old who proclaimed himself as the living legend in bodybuilding because despite his age he still manages to maintain such body.

    Super Lolo ng Cebu
    Super Lolo ng Cebu
    image source: Facebook 
    He was known as the grandmaster of body building. Ramon Lim Lopez started bodybuilding in 1963 at the age of 39 and maintained his physical fitness routine for 53 years till present, that's the reason why he was known as the "Super Lolo" of Cebu City.

    Ramon wanted to fulfill his aim to be known as the 'Oldest and Longest Filipino Bodybuilder' in the Guinness Book of World Records, because of this he tried to reach out and seek for sponsors to fulfill his dream.

    Here's the message of lolo Ramon Lim Lopez to everyone who might give him a little help to fulfill his dream: 

    Aside from being a bodybuilder, Lolo Ramon is also a trainer, programmer and a consultant at his age.

    Ramon Lim Lopez Facebook
    image source via Facebook

     source: philippinews

    Let us help Ramon Lim Lopez to be recognized and to seek help to fulfill his dream!
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    Item Reviewed: VIRAL: 91-year old Pinoy Bodybuilder seeks sponsors to reach Guinness Book of World Records Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jerome Obsid