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    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    A Woman attempted to jump off her apartment after break up with her boyfriend

    Break ups between lovers really add stress to an individual specially if the partner really loved you. This video of a woman jumping off her apartment is a proof that break ups can cause big troubles.

    In the northern city of Harbin in China, a 20-year old woman tried ending her life by jumping off her apartment's windows. According to some sources, the woman had a big fight with her boyfriend. Because of so much pain and mixed emotions, she locked herself alone in her room and refused to talk to her boyfriend who continuously calls her name behind the door.

    The guy made the right decision by going into the adjacent apartment below her girlfriend's apartment and he was just in the right time to save her girlfriend.

    Thanks to her boyfriend, her suicidal attempt was interrupted. Luckily, the boyfriend was vigilant enough to catch her woman by her hand. He was then helped by another neighbor to hold his girlfriend. They held onto the woman until the rescuers and the fire fighters came to rescue her.

    This incident should serve as a warning to all lovers out there that in every decision they make they should prepare themselves for the results, either good or bad.

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